WEST / Alte WU
1st Floor, Block A
Augasse 2-6
1090 Vienna
Directions to the studio
Finding the studio
The studio is in the WEST / Alte WU building, which is up some steps above the street level as part of the old campus area, and there are signs with the "WEST" logo which will lead you to the correct building.
Once inside the building, it's on the 1st floor, block A (there will be red signs with “A”), through a door to the right of a purple cafe area on the 1st floor. I have some signs with arrows for AB Art Studios.

Video directions from Spittelau UBahn
From U4 UBahn platform
Exit J. Holaubek-Platz
Please watch the video to see the most direct route:

Location and Public Transit
It is a few minutes walk from Spittelau UBahn (U4, U6, 35A, 37A, trains) and Liechtenwerder Platz tram stop (D Tram).
Map showing various routes in blue
Map of old university complex and local public transit with AB Art Studios marked
Studio Address
WEST / Alte WU, 1st floor Block A
Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna, Austria
© AB Art Studios 2024